Its music that pulls you into a jazzy, soulful, cool mood, pulling you through all of the ups and downs of Yung and Sene while constantly invigorating and refreshing you. This is music for the blue note in us all.
Wilkinson laces the album with a plethora of organic instrumental sounds which impart an overt jazzy quality to nearly every track. An entire review could be dedicated solely to the instrumental aspect of this album, but for the sake of time lets just leave it at this: stop. think. run. is organic jazz hip hop at its finest; point blank; period.
Each track (all produced by Wilkinson himself) is crafted so uniquely that though they can bear resemblances, no two sound alike. Altogether, stop. think. run. is an ensemble which draws upon some of the finest instrumentation heard in Hip Hop recently, if not ever, along with rhymes suited to all occasions whether its thought-provocation, celebrating or simply mellowing out.
At the end of the day, its just about good music, and thats what you get with Us3.